Sets or resets the neutral-density value for an ink, whether a process ink or a spot color. Setting overrides the calculated neutral-density value PageMaker would normally use for that ink (a spot color's ND value is derived from its CMYK equivalent).

Command constructor

PInkND(const char * sName, eInkND cAction, short dNDValue);
const char * sName;
Name of ink or spot color (no tints).
eInkND cAction;
kInkNDDefault to reset to the calculated default value
kInkNDSet to customize the neutral-density value for the color
short dNDValue;
Neutral density for the ink, from 0.000 to 10.000 in thousandth (10.000 = 10000).
Tints. You cannot set the neutral-density value of a tint, only of its root color. To calculate the neutral-density value for a tint, PageMaker multiplies the neutral density of the root color by the tint's percentage of the root color.

Example. The following example sets the neutral-density value of spot color "Red" to 2.15.

PInkND("Red", kInkNDSet, 2150);

See also

The PTrapSettings command

The PGetTrapSettings and PGetInkNDqueries

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Utilities > Trapping Options

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